Private Server Common Tasks

This page provides a list of common tasks that can be performed on a Screeps Private Server using the CLI server.

The CLI server is accessed through the terminal or command prompt and can be used to control the server and modify server settings.

It only supports single line input, so if your input spans multiple lines, it's likely you'll get back a bunch of SyntaxErrors.

CLI Server Commands

Commands List

Get a list of available commands.


Additional commands may be available depending on the server configuration and installed mods. You can generally pass one of the top-level objects it documents to get more information about that section. For example, help(system) will give you the documentation for that section, and help(system.pauseSimulation) the documentation for that, etc.

Note that if you're running screepsmod-admin-utils, it has its own help page at help(utils), which doesn't appear in this list.

Server Management

Running the game

The game's tick can be started and stopped through the use of system.startSimulation() and system.pauseSimulation().

The tick rate itself can be adjusted via system.getTickDuration() and system.setTickDuration() (the default being 1000, so 1s/tick).

Managing Users

Global Control Level

Change the GCL of a user.

storage.db.users.update({ username: 'username' },{ $set: { gcl: 38000000 } })

Global Power Level

Change the GPL of a user.

storage.db.users.update({ username: 'username' },{ $set: { power: 540000 } })

Market Credits

Change the credits of a user.

storage.db.users.update({ username: 'username' },{ $set: { money: 2000000 } })

CPU Limit

Change the CPU limit of a user.

storage.db.users.update({ username: 'username' },{ $set: { cpu: 500 } })

Disable CPU processing for a user

If your server is running in the GCL-to-CPU mode, then the command above won't work; it'll stick until the cronjob for the mode kicks in and recalculates the allotted CPU for the player.

In that case, you can change the active property on the user object. Its default value is 10000, which is what the GCL-to-CPU mode in screepsmod-admin-utils looks for, and the server will stop processing if it's 0; this means you can either suspend an user completely, or opt them out of the mode by settting it to anything other than those two values.

storage.db.users.update({ username: 'username' }, { $set: { active: 0 } });


Controller Level

Change the room's controller level (RCL).

storage.db['rooms.objects'].update({ _id: 'idOfController' },{ $set: { level: 8 } })

Controller Progress

Change the progress amount of a controller.

storage.db['rooms.objects'].update({ room: 'W7N3', type: 'controller' },{ $set: { progress: 10899000 } })

Fill all extensions

storage.db['rooms.objects'].update({ room: "E4S19", type: 'extension' }, { $set: { "": 200 } }) // depends on the room's RCL

Remove Objects

Remove all Ruins from a room. This can be used to remove other game object types as well.

Be careful if you're trying to remove a player, because their controllers will appear as if they owned the object, so you'll have to filter those out and handle them differently.

storage.db['rooms.objects'].removeWhere({ type: 'ruin' })


Mineral Amount

Change the available amount of a mineral.

storage.db['rooms.objects'].update({ type: 'mineral', room: 'W7N3' },{ $set: { mineralAmount: 250000 } })

Mineral Regeneration Time

Reset the mineral regeneration time.

storage.db['rooms.objects'].update({ type: 'mineral' },{ $set: { nextRegenerationTime: 1000000 } })

Add Energy to Storage

Add energy to a storage structure.

storage.db['rooms.objects'].update({ type: 'storage', room: 'W7N3' },{ $set: { store: { energy: 100000 } } })

Add Minerals to Storage

Add minerals to a storage structure.

storage.db['rooms.objects'].update({ type: 'storage', room: 'W7N3' },{ $set: { store: { H: 25000, O: 25000, U: 25000, L: 25000, K: 25000, Z: 25000, X: 25000 } } })

Construction Sites

Max Construction Progress

Set max progress on all construction sites.

As soon as a creep does any construction the structure will be built. Note that it will cause the builder's store to overflow, so use sparingly!

storage.db['rooms.objects'].update({ type: 'constructionSite' },{ $set: { progress: 99999 } })


Longer creep lifetime

storage.db['rooms.objects'].update({ _id: "65086f144b63f3002e74d267" }, { $set: { ageTime: 999999 } })

Faster spawning

storage.env.get(storage.env.keys.GAMETIME).then(tick => storage.db['rooms.objects'].update({ room: "E7S16", type: 'spawn' }, { $set: { "spawning.spawnTime": parseInt(tick, 10) + 1 } }))

Heal a creep

let creep;
storage.db['rooms.objects'].findOne({_id: "6508e9d2009a9600318f4bf6"}).then(d => creep = d);
creep.body.forEach((d, idx) => d.hits = 100);
storage.db["rooms.objects"].update({_id: "6508ebf0009a9600318f4c3d" }, { $set: { "body": creep.body, "hits": creep.hitsMax } })

Power Creeps

Edit pcreep powers

You have to build an object keyed by POWER type and the level you want to give the pcreep. Note that if the pcreep is already spawned, it has its own copy of its powers property, which also needs an update.

storage.db["users.power_creeps"].update({ _id: "6591b1928a936c001ba8b463" }, { $set: { level: 7, powers: { "1": { level: 3 }, "2": { level: 1 }, "3": { level: 1 }, "6": { level: 1 }, "19": { level: 1 },}}})
storage.db["rooms.objects"].update({ _id: "6591b1928a936c001ba8b463" }, { $set: { level: 7, powers: { "1": { level: 3 }, "2": { level: 1 }, "3": { level: 1 }, "6": { level: 1 }, "19": { level: 1 },}}})

Updating spawn times

storage.db["users.power_creeps"].update({ _id: "6591b1928a936c001ba8b463" }, { $set: { spawnCooldownTime: 1692327427061 } })


Repair Ramparts

Repair all rampart structures. The type can be modified to repair other structure types as well.

storage.db['rooms.objects'].update({ type: 'rampart' },{ $set: { hits: 1000000 } })

Repair Structure

Repair a structure by id.

storage.db['rooms.objects'].update({ _id: 'idOfStructure' },{ $set: { hits: 1000000 } })


Map Commands

Get the commands for managing the world map.


Insert New Room

Generate a new room and add it to the world.

map.generateRoom('W11N11', { sources: 2 })

Open Room

Make a room available for use.


Open Room

Open a room in 5 minutes.

map.openRoom('W5N1', + 300 * 1000)

Close Room

Make a room not available.


Update Terrain Data

Update the cached world terrain data. Use this whenever there's a chance the terrain data has been modified so that the server reloads it from the database.


Add NPC Terminals

Add a NPC Terminal to a room. Repeat as many times as desired changing rooms (Use highway rooms or SK rooms). NPC orders should appear on the market automatically after a little while.

storage.db['rooms.objects'].insert({ room: 'W0N0', x: 0, y: 0, type: 'terminal' })

Add Power Banks

Add a Power Bank to a room.

storage.db['rooms.objects'].insert({ room: 'W4N10', x: 25, y: 25, type: 'powerBank', store: { power: 4000 }, hits: 10000, hitsMax: 10000, decayTime: 1000000 })

You can reset all "highway" rooms' powerbank timers so that the next time the cronjob runs it'll spawn one it.

storage.db["rooms"].update({ bus: true, status: "normal" }, { $set: { powerBankTime: 0 } })

If you need more control, the following is copied from the engine's cronjob, and adapted into a single line, copy/pasteable function.

// Execute that one in the cli so the function exists
async function makePowerBank(roomName, x, y, crit) { if (x < 0 || x > 49 || y < 0 || y > 49) { return false; } const room = await storage.db['rooms'].findOne({ _id: roomName }); if (!room) return false; const POWER_BANK_HITS = 2000000; const POWER_BANK_DECAY = 5000; const POWER_BANK_CAPACITY_MIN = 500; const POWER_BANK_CAPACITY_MAX = 5000; const POWER_BANK_CAPACITY_CRIT = 0.3; if (crit === undefined) { crit = POWER_BANK_CAPACITY_CRIT; } let power = Math.floor(Math.random() * (POWER_BANK_CAPACITY_MAX - POWER_BANK_CAPACITY_MIN) + POWER_BANK_CAPACITY_MIN); if (Math.random() < crit) { power += POWER_BANK_CAPACITY_MAX; } const gameTime = await storage.env.get(storage.env.keys.GAMETIME); return await storage.db['rooms.objects'].insert({ type: 'powerBank', x, y, room: roomName, store: {power}, hits: POWER_BANK_HITS, hitsMax: POWER_BANK_HITS, decayTime: parseInt(gameTime) + POWER_BANK_DECAY }); }

Once that function is defined, you can just execute

makePowerBank("W38N12", 12, 12);

to create as many powerbanks as you want using the same rules the server uses.

Add Deposits

Add a Deposit to a room, change the depositType to change type of the deposit.

storage.db['rooms.objects'].insert({ room: 'W0N9', x: 16, y:26, type: 'deposit', depositType: 'mist' })

Add Portals

Add a Portal to a room. Run this command twice and create portals going both directions for the best result. You can alternatively set unstableDate as a timestamp (think instead of decayTime, in which case the portal will be stable up until the time expires, at which point the game will set decayTime to PORTAL_DECAY.

storage.db['rooms.objects'].insert({ room: 'W5N5', x: 25, y: 25, type: 'portal', destination: { x: 25, y: 25, room: 'E5N5' }, decayTime: 100000 })


Bot Commands

Get the commands for managing bots.



Stronghold Commands

Get the commands for managing strongholds.


Add Invader Core

Add an Invader Core to a room. The number in the templateName is the stronghold level.

strongholds.spawn('W4N5', { templateName: 'bunker3' })

Remove Invader Cores

Remove Invader Cores from all rooms. This will also clear the ramparts owned by the user '2' (which is the internal ID for the invaders NPC).

storage.db['rooms.objects'].removeWhere({ $or: [ { type: 'rampart', user: '2' }, { type: 'invaderCore' } ] })

Add Invader Core Ruin

Add an Invader Core Ruin to a room. This can be used to prevent new invader cores from spawning.

storage.db['rooms.objects'].insert({ room: 'W6N4', x: 25, y: 32, type: 'ruin', structure: { id: '652eb0d77373ad0040d22421', type: 'invaderCore', hits: 0, hitsMax: 100000, user: '2'}, user: '2', store: {}, destroyTime: 1, decayTime: 5000000 })

NPC Invaders

Spawn NPC Invader

Add a ranged attack NPC invader to a room.

storage.db['rooms.objects'].insert({ room: 'W6N3', x: 0, y: 11, type: 'creep', user: '2', name: 'invader_small_ranged', body: [{ type: 'tough', hits: 100 },{ type: 'tough', hits: 100 },{ type: 'move', hits: 100 },{ type: 'move', hits: 100 },{ type: 'move', hits: 100 },{ type: 'move', hits: 100 },{ type: 'ranged_attack', hits: 100 },{ type: 'ranged_attack', hits: 100 },{ type: 'ranged_attack', hits: 100 },{ type: 'move', hits: 100 } ], hits: 1000, hitsMax: 1000, ticksToLive: 1500, fatigue: 0, store: {}, storeCapacity: 0 })

Add a melee NPC invader to a room.

storage.db['rooms.objects'].insert({ room: 'W6N3', x: 1, y: 40, type: 'creep', user: '2', name: 'invader_small_melee', body: [{ type: 'tough', hits: 100 },{ type: 'tough', hits: 100 },{ type: 'move', hits: 100 },{ type: 'move', hits: 100 },{ type: 'move', hits: 100 },{ type: 'move', hits: 100 },{ type: 'attack', hits: 100 },{ type: 'attack', hits: 100 },{ type: 'attack', hits: 100 },{ type: 'move', hits: 100 } ], hits: 1000, hitsMax: 1000, ticksToLive: 1500, fatigue: 0, store: {}, storeCapacity: 0 })

Add a healer NPC invader to a room.

storage.db['rooms.objects'].insert({ room: 'W6N3', x: 1, y: 41, type: 'creep', user: '2', name: 'invader_small_healer', body: [{ type: 'move', hits: 100 },{ type: 'move', hits: 100 },{ type: 'move', hits: 100 },{ type: 'move', hits: 100 },{ type: 'heal', hits: 100 },{ type: 'heal', hits: 100 },{ type: 'heal', hits: 100 },{ type: 'heal', hits: 100 },{ type: 'heal', hits: 100 },{ type: 'move', hits: 100 } ], hits: 1000, hitsMax: 1000, ticksToLive: 1500, fatigue: 0, store: {}, storeCapacity: 0 })

Checking and changing invader goals

If you're investigating why invaders are (or aren't) spawning, the engine tracks that through the invaderGoal & invaderHarvested properties on a room; each time a source gets harvested, the latter counts up. Once it reaches invaderGoal, the room is eligible for an invasion per the rules in the Invader section.

storage.db["rooms"].findOne({ _id: "E25S6"}).then(o => print(o.invaderGoal));
storage.db["rooms.objects"].find({room: "E25S6", type: {$in: ['source']}}).then(rs => print(rs.reduce((sum, s) => sum += s.invaderHarvested, 0)));
// Make dem pop
storage.db["rooms"].update({ _id: "E25S6"}, { $set: { invaderGoal: 10000 } });


Find Users

Find all users.


Find a User

Find a user by their username to get data such as the user id.

storage.db.users.findOne({ username: 'username' })

Find Objects

Find all room objects of a certain type.

storage.db['rooms.objects'].find({ room: 'W7N3', type: 'constructionSite' })


Get User Memory

Get the memory of a user by their user id.


Alternatively you can find the user by their username and chain together the commands to get the memory.

storage.db.users.find({ username: 'username' }).then(([first]) => storage.env.get(storage.env.keys.MEMORY + first._id ))

Wipe Server

Reset Server Data

Wipe the map and reset all user data, rooms, GCL, GPL, server settings, etc.


Random tidbits

There are some undocumented functions on storage.env:


// => keys,get,mget,sadd,smembers,set,setex,expire,ttl,del,hmget,hmset,hget,hset,hgetall,incr,flushall

Server Fixes

Reset Room Activity

Occasionally, a server may encounter an issue where all rooms are set to active for processing, even those without player objects. The cause of this issue is unknown, but it can result in the server running slowly. By setting rooms to inactive, you can resolve this issue and improve server performance.

storage.db.rooms.update({ active: true }, { $set: { active: false } })

Reset Map Images

Refresh every room's image assets. Use this whenever the map images do not match the terrain.

storage.db.rooms.find().then(rooms => => map.updateRoomImageAssets(r._id)))

This only works for the normal world map; the beta map caches its tiles into the browser's localStorage, so the following snippet should take care of that:

dbs = await indexedDB.databases();
dbs.forEach(d => indexedDB.deleteDatabase(;

Broken objects

There's a known issue with the integrated server (running from the Steam client), where it sometimes breaks its database when exiting, leading to objects that have no capacity.

The following snippet should restore all impacted objects to their normal behavior:

storage.db['rooms.objects'].update({ type: "spawn" }, { $set: { storeCapacityResource: { energy: 300 } } });
storage.db['rooms.objects'].update({ type: "extension" }, { $set: { storeCapacityResource: { energy: 200 } } }); // or 50/100 depending on RCL
storage.db['rooms.objects'].update({ type: "link" }, { $set: { storeCapacityResource: { energy: 800 } } });
storage.db['rooms.objects'].update({ type: "tower" }, { $set: { storeCapacityResource: { energy: 1000 } } });