Exit Tiles
Common challenges

A common challenge with exit tiles is when a creep 'blinks' back and forth between two rooms seemingly endlessly. This is mainly due to the logic of the creep not moving it off the tile during the tick it is 'transported' from the previous room, and since it ended the tick on an exit tile, it is transported to the room prior. If a user's logic depends on roomName
alone, and does not execute a move/moveTo action as soon as it steps into the new room then its transported back, no longer in the room where the logic was triggered and attempts to move to the room again. This can be solved in a few ways, mainly by using a different non-vision dependent target in the room (such as a roomPosition), moving into the room further on-entry, or making sure whatever logic is run executes a move towards its assigned goal/target when found.
Another challenge can happen if there are alot of swamps adjacent to the exit tile, with default moveTo settings a situation can happen where the creep fails to find a path. There are a few ways to combat this one, such as storing paths ahead of time, or modifying the cost of swamps.

Portals are a special type of tile. They appear randomly in the center rooms of sectors, and they transport creeps that enter them to a matching portal in another sector. The portal connections change once in a while.
Inter-Shard Portals
Inter-shard portals are a type of portal but instead of transporting to another sector, they transport the creep to a different shard. Unlike normal exit tile/portals, the creep will be deposited in a random position in an area around the connected portal and will keep its name and TicksToLive, but gain a new ID and lose all of its stored Memory.