Private Server Installation on Digital Ocean


Create the Droplet

First create a Droplet running Ubuntu 16.04, then either SSH into the server or use the terminal from Digital Ocean's website. Next, enter the following commands step by step:

  • apt update
  • apt upgrade

Screeps needs python

  • apt install python
  • apt install python

nodejs is not installed on Ubuntu by default, and we want the new version so we need to add a new source before we install it because Ubuntu’s version is outdated This installs 8.x, see to grab sources for other versions

  • curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
  • apt install -y nodejs

The weak npm package, which is what my install was choking on, needs make apparently, which isn’t installed by default

  • apt install make

Update: 11/12/2018

After experiencing errors installing screeps as a global package, a solution was found here:

We are only using sudo here so we can add --unsafe perm Weak (actually, node-gyp rebuild) couldn’t get a lock on a folder it needed to access without it More info at --loglevel verbose so we can watch and make sure it doesn’t fail

  • cd to a directory that’s empty that screeps init stuff can be stored, probably...
  • cd ~
  • npm install screeps -g --loglevel verbose --unsafe-perm
  • screeps init (will need to give this your Steam Web API Key, see )
  • screeps start

Test connecting to your server using your server's IP (see Digital Ocean for that) and the default port. If that works, kill your server with ctrl+c and run it perpetually in the background using...

  • nohup screeps start &

And you're good!

If you want to kill the server while it runs in the background, run...

  • killall -9 node