Private Server Installation on AWS EC2 Instance
Setup Amazon Web Services EC2 with Node JS
Follow this guide to install Node 6.5.0:
Open Ports 21025 – 21028 in AWS Console
- Go to the "Network & Security" -> Security Group settings in the left hand navigation
- Find the Security Group that your instance is using
- Click on Inbound Rules
- Use the drop down and add Custom TCP Rule (port 21025 - 21028)
- Click Apply and enjoy
Resize your instance:
A m3.medium EC2 instance (1 CPU's and 4GB RAM) or a c4.large (2 CPU's and 4GB RAM) runs the game quickly, while t2.micro was noticeably sluggish. It should be noted that any of the t2 family will run at 20% of normal speed once they run out of "cpu credits", so it is advisable to avoid using them.
- Using AWS Management Console:
- Right-Click on the instance
- Wait...
- Instance Management > Change Instance Type
Start Screeps Server
In an SSH command window, run the following:
sudo su
npm install -g screeps
screeps init
nohup screeps start &
You will be prompted for your Steam Web API key, you can obtain it on this page.
Restarting the Server
If you need to restart your server for some reason, or the process ends, simply re-run the start command:
sudo nohup screeps start &
That's it! Close your SSH connection and exit your terminal. You can now connect to your EC2 instance's IP address @ port 21025 using a Steam client.