Private Server Feature Comparison
Feature Comparison between official (MMO) and Private Server (PS)
Legend | Description | Legend | Description |
✔️ | has feature | (✔️) | partial implementation |
🚫 | does not have feature | ⛅️ | implemented by untested mod |
🔬 | needs investigation | | |
Feature | MMO | PS | MOD | Comment |
Creep convoys | ✔️ | 🚫 | | logic for convoys needs to be implemented |
Power Banks | ✔️ | 🚫 | | could probably be added to screeps-admin-utils, psy327 will probably work on this |
Sharding | ✔️ | 🚫 | | ags131 is working on something |
Dynamic CPU | ✔️ | ⛅️ | screepsmod-gcltocpu | Untested, psy327 has PR for admin utils for this feature |
Room Overview Stats | ✔️ | 🚫 | | |
Overview Stats | ✔️ | 🚫 | | |
Leaderboards | ✔️ | 🔬 | | |
Market | ✔️ | 🔬 | screepsmod-market | Is this an alternate code, or the same as official? |
Room History | ✔️ | ✔️ | screepsmod-history | Warning: Currently with AWS mode this produces a lot of PUT requests, this can easily become very expensive. For that reason, AWS mode is currently not recommended |
Authentication | ✔️ | ✔️ | screepsmod-auth | This adds user/pass auth to the screeps private server |
Database | ✔️ | ✔️ | screepsmod-mongo | Replace LokiJS with MongoDB and Redis, loki should not be used for public private servers, official runs with mongo and redis |
A better launcher for Screeps private servers