Until September 2016, there was no centralized way of associating a player with an alliance. The only way to find who was allied with whom was if they told you. At that point, members of the player community gathered in #loan to develop a website to make alliances publicly known and available.
League of Automated Nations website and other tools
The League of Automated Nations site was the initial result of the #loan collaboration. Features include a map of the world highlighting rooms owned by each alliance as an overview, Alliance registration, member addition, self-removal from an alliance, maps of each player in an alliance, and logo and charter hosting for each alliance.
The initial development of a [LeagueBot] was completed in mid-October, allowing the posting of battles to the [#thewarpath] slack channel and the [@ScreepsObserver] twitter account.
One of the less known results of the site, was the publishing of alliances.js and rooms.js. This was used in the development of a tampermonkey script for the browser called loan-browser-ext.
In January of 2017 Rankings were added to the League website. Like the rest of the site this is updated every six hours.
- LeagueOfAutomatedNations github
- League of Automated Nations website
- alliances.js (keyed by abrreviation, each alliance is an object in the form of
{color<String>, abbreviation<String>, logo<String>, members<String>[], slack_channel<String>, name<String>}
in JSON format) - roomsjs